Wednesday, July 22

The Eden Project

Over the last year I have been working with the Eden Project to help launch their Eco board. It is made from part plant based components, using homeblown blanks and shaped in Cornwall. It feels light under the arm and surfs well. I ride a 6'2" but they come in many shapes, from the fish to the long board. You can buy them online at or check out the movie we made below.

Tuesday, July 21

Almost there

Been checking the charts in Spain and it is looking like a nice little swell could greet us on arrival. I can't wait to get my new Gul shorty on and hoon it down the face on some beautiful northern Spanish gems. There has been a lack of surf for me this last week as i have been buzzing around erasing my things to do list, seeing pals and hanging out with Eli. He loves going for a surf on the longboard and the ocean and him are starting a possible lifetime connection. We both can't wait to be in the van for some much needed outdoor living and long beach days. Ella my sister has been spending time in the smoke so she is equally looking forward to a well deserved break! 

A visit to the smoke

Spent the weekend in London, and went to the Lovebox festival in Victoria Park. I realsied this last year I have only been as far as Plymouth which was a fairly strange thought, and although I am a proud Cornish filly it did make me wonder what the hell I have been up to, oh yeah that'll be the 3rd year of an environmental science degree. Where you loose all chance to enjoy yourself cause every 'free' moment is quickly consumed by guilt which is shortly after followed by another stint at the computer. So anyway I finally escaped the folds of Cornwall and was welcomed to London by a beautiful sunny day, well at least it was warm, the sun was playing hide and seek behind the gerkin. London defiantly has the buzz factor, the tube is not the the epi centre of it, but once in the midst of East London, there is feeling of difference, hundreds of people striving to be different, look different and talk different. In this world clothes rule the roost, well at least that is how it seems and although clothes to many are trivial here they make a statement, it is fine art come alive.

Wednesday, July 15

Pre Embarkation

Last year in France, enjoying a little evening wave.

Just caught 40 winks and recovering from the 20 hour Gul winter photo shoot. It was a success even though we had a 4am start. Tiredness was over come by pints of coke, laughter and a cheeky Aggie evening session. So, a week to go and the 'to do list' is growing, layered with a covering of dust and coffee rings. Yes, it has been said my procrastination is some of the best in town but having a little mite constantly nagging me for pasteeee (pasty) along with library trips, swimming, walks that take two hours just to grab a pint of milk, procrastination can no longer be a friend of mine as this trip will not happen and so tomorrow, the plan is to start crossing things off!