Wednesday, July 15

Pre Embarkation

Last year in France, enjoying a little evening wave.

Just caught 40 winks and recovering from the 20 hour Gul winter photo shoot. It was a success even though we had a 4am start. Tiredness was over come by pints of coke, laughter and a cheeky Aggie evening session. So, a week to go and the 'to do list' is growing, layered with a covering of dust and coffee rings. Yes, it has been said my procrastination is some of the best in town but having a little mite constantly nagging me for pasteeee (pasty) along with library trips, swimming, walks that take two hours just to grab a pint of milk, procrastination can no longer be a friend of mine as this trip will not happen and so tomorrow, the plan is to start crossing things off!