Tuesday, July 21

A visit to the smoke

Spent the weekend in London, and went to the Lovebox festival in Victoria Park. I realsied this last year I have only been as far as Plymouth which was a fairly strange thought, and although I am a proud Cornish filly it did make me wonder what the hell I have been up to, oh yeah that'll be the 3rd year of an environmental science degree. Where you loose all chance to enjoy yourself cause every 'free' moment is quickly consumed by guilt which is shortly after followed by another stint at the computer. So anyway I finally escaped the folds of Cornwall and was welcomed to London by a beautiful sunny day, well at least it was warm, the sun was playing hide and seek behind the gerkin. London defiantly has the buzz factor, the tube is not the the epi centre of it, but once in the midst of East London, there is feeling of difference, hundreds of people striving to be different, look different and talk different. In this world clothes rule the roost, well at least that is how it seems and although clothes to many are trivial here they make a statement, it is fine art come alive.